Get new information about black holes from seven billion year old signals


Imagine if the energy of eight suns was released in a moment.


This is the wave of gravitational shock caused by the largest observable merger of two black holes to date.


The signal from the incident reached Earth after traveling nearly seven billion years in May last year, but it was still so powerful that it shook laser detection devices in the United States and Italy.


Researchers say that the collision of black holes has created a black hole that is 142 times the mass of our sun.

This is a very important development. The existence of black holes in the sky has long been known to science, which are either very small in size or very large.

However, this new observation marks the beginning of a whole new category of black holes called the average volume. They weigh 100 to 1000 times more than the sun.


This is a joint analysis of Lego and Vergo international organizations. The two companies jointly administer three highly sensitive systems installed in the United States and Europe to detect gravitational waves.

What is a black hole?

o   A black hole is a region in space where matter is extremely dense and concentrated.

o   Here gravity is so strong that even light cannot get out of its grip.

o   Black holes are actually caused by the explosive disappearance of large stars.

o   However, some of them are extremely large in size and billions of times larger than our Sun.

o   These giant black holes are usually found in the middle of the galaxy and it is not known how they came into being.

o   Black holes are detected by affecting their surroundings.

o   When they collide, they produce observable gravitational waves.

o   Laser interferometers used by Lego and Vergo 'hear' the vibrations in space caused by a catastrophic cosmic event.


On May 21, 2019, all these instruments were shaken by a powerful single that was recorded for only one tenth of a second.


Computer algorithms found that the signal was generated from the last moments of the integration of the two black holes. One of these black holes was 66 times larger than the Sun, while the other was 85 times larger.


The integration was recorded at a distance of 150 trillion kilometers from Earth.


"It was an amazing event," said Professor Nelson Christensen, who works at the C ڈte d'Azur observatory in France. This signal has been traveling for seven billion years, meaning that it happened shortly before the middle of the universe and has now shaken our instruments on Earth.

How does this system work?

o   A laser is sent to the machine and its beam is divided into two parts

o   These twisted rays collide with the damp mirrors and travel in different directions

o   Eventually these rays are reconnected and then sent to a detector

o   The gravitational waves that pass through the laboratory disturb the system

o   The theory is that these waves of light must propagate and contract

o   This should make a difference in the length of the light rays

o   The photo detector detects this change in radiation



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