Singapore: What is it like to live in the safest place in the world during the epidemic?


While many countries around the world have been affected by the recent wave of the epidemic, a small island in Asia has emerged as a great place away from the epidemic.


In terms of resistance against cod, Singapore topped the Bloomberg cod resilience rankings this week, surpassing New Zealand, which has been at the top for months.


Many things are considered in the preparation of this classification, from the number of code cases to the freedom of movement.


Bloomberg cited the vaccination program as the reason behind New Zealand's lag in the rankings and Singapore's lead, as it was slower in New Zealand than Singapore's effective vaccination program.

So what is it like to be in the best place in the world in this time of uncertainty? And is that really all there is to it?

Life is almost normal


That's almost right. Life in Singapore can be great, though I can say it with some hesitation.


The small increase in the number of cases of cod in recent months, which has been rapidly overcome, the number of new victims here is almost zero every day. However, several new cases came to light this week and were immediately banned.


Strict travel rules and border security mean that cases from outside can be prevented. For this, outsiders are immediately placed in quarantine.


With the exception of a two-month 'circuit breaker' early last year, we have never had to go through a lockdown again.

Life has returned to normal: I can meet my family at any time or invite friends over for a meal at a restaurant, but still we can't be more than eight people. However, masks are mandatory everywhere outside, although you can take them off while exercising or eating.


'Many of us have returned to work in our offices following the social distance and following the mask ban and checking in on the app that traces you, you can watch the movie, watch the concert. Or go shopping.


Schools and childcare centers are open and I can take my children anywhere on weekends, Saturdays and Sundays, but in many places there is limited space to ensure social distance. has been given. So planning for the weekend is like preparing for a military exercise (in which, I am a helpless soldier and my children are generals).


Since the beginning of the year, 15% of our population has been fully vaccinated. These figures are partly due to a small population as our population is only 6 million and the vaccination program is well run here. Public confidence in the government and reluctance to vaccinate are declining.


So we are safe and sound. And this is because of the mandatory wearing of masks, aggressive tracing of victims, and long travel restrictions. In addition to this, it is a fact that our island has easily controlled borders, our financial reserves are full and there is a system that is ruthlessly effective.


But at the same time, there is a great deal of ambiguity in the idea that Singapore is still the best place to live.

Many people in Singapore have freedom of movement, but not for the hundreds of thousands of migrant workers who are still confined to their workplaces and hostels after a massive outbreak last year.


If they want to move out of their dormitory, they have to get permission from the owners and most of them can only go to government-approved entertainment centers.


The government says all this is necessary to protect the rest of the country because there is a 'real and significant' threat of another epidemic in their community. This is not true because many workers live in more crowded places than most Singaporeans.


However, it also points to the bitter reality that despite all its claims to equality, Singapore still has a huge social gap.


Immigrant rights activist Julwan Wham says it is "shameful and discriminatory".


"Because migrant workers lack political power, this is considered socially acceptable even though they are suffering from the failures of our policy. New Zealand is also at the top of the list of defenses against code, but it has not violated the rights of the people. It's not just about the results, it's about how you get to those results. "


The effects of the epidemic are also being felt in the underprivileged and low-income families.

The government has raised millions of dollars to boost the economy and help needy families, and apparently this has led to lower unemployment.


But statistics do not tell the whole story. Some employees have had their pay cuts and many who lost their jobs have found new jobs as food delivery men or drivers in a fast-paced economy.


"It's a strange situation because not knowing how much you will earn today can be stressful," said social worker Patricia V. They can also be easily removed. So there is a lack of social security. "


She adds that the tension could then affect families in "indirect ways". For example, domestic violence is on the rise even after the lockdown.

A golden cage


Even people like us who are enjoying freedom and have a steady income have seen some decline.


In this high-surveillance state, the privacy we had before the epidemic is dwindling. We're willing to accept that wherever we go, we'll need to use an app or carry a token to keep track of our whereabouts and the people we contact. However, the government says the data is kept anonymous.


Code 19 has accelerated further surveillance without public debate.


Many agree with the government's argument that it is necessary in a crisis, but some have warned of the potential misuse of so much data. When the government recently admitted that it had allowed the police to use the data for purposes other than tracking contacts despite earlier assurances of confidentiality, the lack of transparency led some Enraged


Many people are also saying that it is a golden cage and its credit goes to the strict rules and regulations imposed in Singapore and other places which have rejected the ease of travel. This means that many of us are still unable to visit or call our loved ones in person in other countries.

Singaporeans living in a crowded urban state have a habit of traveling abroad, even if they have to spend the weekend only on the nearby Indonesian island or in the border towns of neighboring Malaysia.


This is no longer possible, so tens of thousands of people are not going anywhere on the cruise, while hotels are booked for 'holiday stays'. Motorcycle and car racing enthusiasts who used to race on Malaysian roads and highways are now roaming endless trails around the island.


When news broke that Singapore was once again opening a travel bubble with Hong Kong after a failed attempt last year, people were overjoyed. Then when the increase in cases was reported in both the cities, there was a sense of destiny among the people.


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